Monday, 14 July 2014

R3 - Audience Research

R2 - Research Plan


Research can be conducted to collect different forms of date such as primary and secondary data in order to collect specific information. The difference between primary and secondary data is that primary data is collected for the researchers own purposes. Examples can be questionnaires, structured interviews, participant observation and laboratory experiments. Whereas, secondary data is collected by someone else for their own purposes. Examples of this can be content analysis, official statistics and personal documents.

Two different types of date collected through research
Research methods that produced qualitative data (numbers or statistics) can be collected through official statistics, questionnaires and more.
Quantitative data (in depth and detailed words) can be collected through unstructured interviews, participant observations and more.

What I will be researching:

R1 - What Is Short News?

A short film is any film not long enough to be considered a feature film. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences defines a short film as "an original motion picture that has a running time of 40 minutes or less, including all credits. (www.

Short Film Festival - London Short Film Festival

LSFF is an annual event that presents the best in UK short film-making talent. In January, they took over London’s best independent cinemas and venues to showcase various short films. (

BAFTA (The British Academy of Films and Television Arts)

BAFTA supports promotes and develops the art forms of the moving image - film, television and video games - by identifying and giving awards to the best films inspiring film producers and directors which also benefits the public. As the leading charity in the UK supporting the art forms of the moving image, BAFTA ensures that the  best creative work can be accessed and appreciated by the public.

Here are some rules producers must take into account when creating short films:

  1. The shorter the better. A short film can be anything from 15 seconds to 45 minutes in length. Make the script as short as possible because the shorter the short, the less costly it will be to produce. Also, if they want their film to be shown at festivals, then it should be no more that 10 minutes which is usually 7-8 pages maximum and is effective to viewers.
  2. Make the film visual. “Film is a visual medium”. Film is about telling stories in pictures, which is the most economical way of telling a story – and when you make a short film, economy is everything. Create visual backstories for your characters through visual images their temperament, their profession, their status, etc.
  3. Tell a story.  Short films are a great opportunity to push the boundaries of what storytelling in cinema's can do, yet they must still engage your audience emotionally.
  4. Find single moments. The best short films have a particular scene that engages the audience. For example, a conflict that has to be solved which creates tension